Kopano user current store size


This post shows how Kopano users current store size is by displayed in the console. Admins who manage Kopano Groupware servers, they need to know what users are causing storage quotas.

How to show current Kopano store size of a user

Let’s say we want to know how the current storage usage of a Kopano user in an organization looks like. Usually we will run this command:

$ kopano-admin --details kate@middleton.org

This will show us all the details about the user.

Object id:              5
Extern id:              \313\332\306\30\336\325G)\263\356\275;s\324\237z
Username:               kate@middleton.org
Fullname:               Kate Middleton
Emailaddress:           kate@middleton.org
Active:                 yes
Administrator:          yes
Address book:           Visible to current user
Auto-accept meeting req:no
Store GUID:             0E79B76316F0491F9A8C4BFE1C1F1592
Out Of Office:          disabled
Server version:         8.7.25
Mapped properties:
        PR_EC_ENABLED_FEATURES  mobile; outlook; webapp
        PR_EC_DISABLED_FEATURES imap; pop3
Current user store quota settings:
 Quota overrides:       no
 Warning level:         1024.00 MB
 Soft level:            2048.00 MB
 Hard level:            3072.00 MB
Current store size:     231.10 MB
Groups (1):

Show current Kopano store size of all users

If there are more than a couple of users, another adequate solution must be found. It makes sense to create a simple bash script in which we run kopano-admin in a for loop:

for user in $(kopano-admin -l | sed -n 5,1000p | cut -f 2 | sort)
    kopano-admin --details $user | grep -E 'Emailaddress|Current store size|Last logon'

When use Kopano in a multi-tenancy environment, then the company sections must be processed, e.g. with the query and variable assignment:

comp=`(kopano-admin --list-companies | sed -n 4,1000p | cut -f 2)`
echo "$comp"

The result shows us all the companies listed in a usable format, right as an option in the next commands.

Finally, the next for loops show the current store size of all users in each multi-tenancy company:

for comp in $(kopano-admin --list-companies | sed -n 4,1000p | cut -f 2)
    echo "Company $comp"
    for user in $(kopano-admin -l -I "$comp" | sed -n 5,1000p | cut -f 2)
        kopano-admin -l --details "$user" | grep -E 'Emailaddress|Current store size'

  As a pattern, grep with -E option can add further patterns, desired patterns can be inserted separately with pipe, e.g. Current user store quota settings like Warning level and Soft level or Hard level.

Company middleton.org
Emailaddress:           kate@middleton.org
Current store size:     231.10 MB
Company dukedom.org
Emailaddress:           charles@dukedom.org
Current store size:     694.71 MB
Emailaddress:           meghan@ducedom.org
Current store size:     1195.14 MB

The output of a multi-tenancy server looks something like this.

in additions

To get just an overview, the --user-count option gives the output.

$ kopano-admin --user-count -v -v -v -v -v -v
[debug  ] Initializing provider "Kopano Directory Service"
[debug  ] Initializing provider "Private Folders"
[debug  ] Initializing provider "Public Folders"
User counts:
                        Allowed         Used    Available
        Active          no limit        1034    -
        Non-active      no limit        17      -
          Users                         0
          Rooms                         12
          Equipment                     2
        Total                           1065

Finally a very useful command is kopano-stats – they Dump kopano statistics tables, try it now.

$ kopano-stats --top

The output may look something like this.

Last update: Wed Aug  9 15:58:45 2023 (1.0s since last)
Sess: 114   Sess grp: 39      Users: 18   Hosts: 1    CPU: 1%   QLen: 0  QAge: 0.000 RTT: 0 ms
SQL/s SEL:    0 UPD:   0 INS:   0 DEL:   0        Threads(idle): 0(8)      MWOPS: 0  MROPS: 0         SOAP calls: 12

VERSION USERID                   IP/PID          APP                 TIME    CPUTIME CPU    NREQ   STAT TASK
8.7.0   SYSTEM                   14579           stats/8.7.0(kopano- 0:00    0:00    1      7      P    tableQueryRows
8.7.0   SYSTEM                   642             spooler:system/8.7. 0:00    0:00    0      0
8.7.0   SYSTEM                   642             spooler:system/8.7. 0:09    0:18    0      0
8.7.0   think@unblog.net                         Android-SAMSUNG-SM- 0:00    0:00    0      0
8.7.0   kate.middleton@foo.org                   Outlook-iOS-Android 0:00    0:00    0      0
8.7.0   prince.william@foo.org                   Outlook/16.0 (16.0. 0:00    0:00    0      0

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