Linux Splash Screen Linux Logo


Linuxlogo is a Linux command-line utility that creates a colored ANSI image of the distribution logo as a splash screen with the most important system information.

Creating a Linux Logo splash screen

Here, the file or motd makes sense to output a splash screen of the host, motd stands for (“message of the day”). These files, which are used by the login process, are located under the configuration directory /etc and output a message after a successful login – but before the start of the respective login shell.

linuxlogo hostnamectl status
# redhat CentOS
$ sudo yum -y install linux_logo
# Debian Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get -y install linuxlogo
# Fedora
$ sudo dnf -y install linux_logo

The autostart configuration rc.local generates the necessary entries during the boot process,

$ sudo vi /etc/rc.d/rc.local
# Debian & Ubuntu
$ sudo vi /etc/rc.local

for the console login with the file issue and the remote login

if [ -f /usr/bin/linux_logo ]; then
     echo "" > /etc/issue
     /usr/bin/linux_logo -L debian_banner -u >> /etc/issue
     echo >> /etc/issue
if [ -f /usr/bin/linux_logo ]; then
     echo "" > /etc/
     /usr/bin/linux_logo -L debian_banner -a -u >> /etc/
     echo >> /etc/

On Debian and Ubuntu run the following command:

$ /usr/bin/linuxlogo -L debian_banner_2 -u

Make rc.local be executable.

$ sudo chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.local

In order for the splash screen to appear in the SSH terminal during remote login, you have to activate the banner of the SSH daemon.

$ sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Remove the hash (#) line (about 108) and add

# no default banner path
Banner /etc/

The change takes effect when the SSH daemon is restarted.

# CentOS 7
$ sudo systemctl restart sshd
# CentOS 6
$ sudo service sshd restart

Where, for legal reasons, a notice is intended to warn against unauthorized access to the console, the /etc/motd file can produce the following output:

$ sudo vi /etc/motd
# Unauthorized access to this system is prohibited !             #
#                                  ******                                    #
# This system is actively monitored and all connections may be logged.    #
# By accessing this system, you consent to this monitoring.          #

It is also a good idea to output the splash screen with Linux logo from the ~/.bashrc, here is an example of the system-wide bash configuration of the redhat distribution.

$ sudo vi /etc/bashrc

Insert the line at the end of the ~/.bashrc file.

if [ -f /usr/bin/linux_logo ]; then linux_logo -L redhat -u; Fi

Linuxlogo can be extended with the following line in ~/.bashrc

if [ -f /usr/bin/linuxlogo ]; then linuxlogo ;hostnamectl status | grep "Operating System";fi
uname -sor

Linux Logo Parameters


/usr/bin/linux_logo -L list

Available Built-in Logos:
        Num Type Ascii Name Description
        1 Banner Yes bsd_banner FreeBSD logo
        2 Classic Yes irix Irix logo
        3 Classic Yes bsd FreeBSD logo
        4 Banner Yes solaris The Default Banner Logos
        5 Classic Yes aix AIX logo
        6 Classic Yes classic The Default Classic Logo
        7 Banner Yes debian_banner Debian Banner (white)
        8 Banner Yes mandrake_banner Mandrake(TM) Linux Banner
        9 Banner Yes pld PLD Linux banner
        10 Banner Yes suse SUSE Logo
        11 Banner Yes sourcemage_ban Source Mage GNU/Linux banner
        12 Classic Yes gnu_linux Classic GNU/Linux
        13 Classic Yes core Core Linux Logo
        14 Classic Yes debian Debian Swirl Logos
        15 Banner Yes slackware Slackware Logo
        16 Banner Yes mandriva Mandriva(TM) Linux Banner
        17 Banner Yes redhat RedHat Banner (white)
        18 Banner Yes ubuntu Ubuntu Logo
        19 Classic Yes debian_old Debian Old Penguin Logos
        20 Banner Yes sme SME Server Banner Logo
        21 Banner Yes sourcemage Source Mage GNU/Linux large
        22 Banner Yes mandrake Mandrakelinux(TM) Banner
        23 Banner Yes banner The Default Banner Logo
        24 Classic Yes classic-simp Classic No Dots Or Letters
        25 Classic Yes classic-nodots The Classic Logo, No Periods
        26 Banner Yes banner-simp Simplified Banner Logo

Do "linux_logo -L num" where num is from above to get the appropriate logo.
Remember to also use -a to get ascii version.

Linux Logo Help Screen

/usr/bin/linux_logo -h

Linux Logo Version 5.11 using libsysinfo 0.2.1
        by Vince Weaver <>
   Newest Versions at:

Usage: /usr/bin/linux_logo [-a] [-b] [-c] [-d] [-D file] [-e file] [-f] [-g]
                    [-h] [-i] [-k] [-l] [-n] [-o num] [-p] [-s] [-t str] [-u] [-v]
                    [-w Num] [-x] [-y] [-F format] [-L num | name | list | random_xy]
         [-a] -- Display on ascii-only logo
         [-b] -- Display a Banner Logo!
         [-c] -- Display a "Classic" type logo
         [-d] -- disable "prettying" of output
         [-D file]-- use custom logo from "file"
         [-e file]-- Use "file" instead of /proc/cpuinfo [for debugging]
         [-f] -- force the screen clear before drawing
         [-F format] Format output.  See README.
      B [-g] -- give system info only
         [-h] -- this help screen
         [-i] -- ignore ~/.linux_logo and /etc/linux_logo.conf
         [-k] -- keep sysinfo flushed-left (non-centered)
      B [-l] -- display logo only
      C [-o Num] -- offset output Num spaces to the right
         [-p] -- preserve cursor location
         [-s] -- skip Bogomips [speeds up on non-Linux platforms]
         [-t str] -- display user-supplied string
      * [-u] -- show uptime
         [-v] -- version information
         [-w Num] -- set width of screen to Num [default 80]
      * [-y] -- show load average
         [-L num | name | list | random_xy] -- multiple logo options.  Lake README

B=Banner mode only, C=Classic Mode Only *=Works Only in Linux

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