Tag Archives: Linux Tutorials

Linux Tutorials and Unix Similar multi-user operating systems based on the Linux kernel and essentially on GNU software. Like CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu Fedora.

VNCSERVER VNC could not acquire name on session bus

VNCSERVER session VNC. vncsession is used to start a VNC (Virtual Network Computing) desktop. vncsession performs all the necessary steps to create a new user session, run Xvnc with appropriate options and starts a window manager on the VNC desktop.

VNCSERVER – could not acquire name on session bus

 If you see this message, then your VNC configuration is incorrect or not complete!

VNCSERVER session VNC could not acquire name on session bus


cause deployment of user environment that not performed automatically during installation process of vncserver.


See this tutorial here in this blog, it shows the complete installation of vncserver suitable for most known distributions.


Several VNC-related files are found in the directory $HOME/.vnc:

The optional system-wide equivalent of $HOME/.vnc/config. If this file exists and defines options to be passed to Xvnc, they will be used as defaults for users. The user’s $HOME/.vnc/config overrides settings configured in this file. The overall configuration file load order is: this file, $HOME/.vnc/config, and then /etc/tigervnc/vncserver-config-mandatory. None are required to exist.


The optional system-wide equivalent of $HOME/.vnc/config. If this file exists and defines options to be passed to Xvnc, they will override any of the same options defined in a user’s $HOME/.vnc/config. This file offers a mechanism to establish some basic form of system-wide policy. WARNING! There is nothing stopping users from constructing their own vncsession-like script that calls Xvnc directly to bypass any options defined in /etc/tigervnc/vncserver-config-mandatory. The overall configuration file load order is: /etc/tigervnc/vncserver-config-defaults, $HOME/.vnc/config, and then this file. None are required to exist.


An optional server config file wherein options to be passed to Xvnc are listed to avoid hard-coding them to the physical invocation. List options in this file one per line. For those requiring an argument, simply separate the option from the argument with an equal sign, for example: “geometry=2000×1200” or “securitytypes=vncauth,tlsvnc”. Options without an argument are simply listed as a single word, for example: “localhost” or “alwaysshared”.

The special option session can be used to control which session type will be started. This should match one of the files in /usr/share/xsessions. E.g. if there is a file called “gnome.desktop”, then “session=gnome” would be set to use that session type.


The VNC password file.


The log file for Xvnc and the session.

Nemo Action Context Menu Extract Here

Add Compress and Extract here Action to Nemo File Manager as Context Menu

Nemo is the amazing file manager of Cinnamon’s desktop environment. It’s a further development of Gnome’s Nautilus file manager with easy customization options. Adding a context menu to unpack and compress folders and files is a simple task.

Add action compress and extract to Nemo

Adding the context menu action for compress and extract in Nemo will show in this tutorial. We open a terminal and copy & paste the following content into the path see below and save it as file compress.nemo_action

$ xed ~/.local/share/nemo/actions/compress.nemo_action
[Nemo Action]
Comment=compress %N
Exec=file-roller -d %F

As well as the entry for extract archives action into file extracthere.nemo_action

$ xed ~/.local/share/nemo/actions/extracthere.nemo_action
[Nemo Action]
Name=Extract here
Comment=Extract here
Exec=file-roller -h %F

Nemo shows compress and extract here

Then a right click on an archive file shows the context menu with compress and extract here.

Nemo context action menu (right-click)

Action context compress extract for any user

This enable the action context menu compress and extract to Nemo for the current user only, if you prefer the ability for any user, then move the file compress.nemo_action and extracthere.nemo_action into /usr/share/nemo/actions, you need root privileges to can do it.

$ sudo mv ~/.local/share/nemo/actions/*.nemo_action /usr/share/nemo/actions
Nemo File Manager

 The common compression tools are preinstalled on most distos. 7-Zip is another all in one compression tool and very popular by Sysops, this can be installed with the following command.

$ sudo yum install -y p7zip p7zip-plugins