Tag Archives: PowerShell Programming language

PowerShell is a task automation and configuration management program from Microsoft, consisting of a command-line shell and the associated scripting language. Platforms are Windows PowerShell .NET Framework, Implementation language on C#.

Disable Windows Firewall with PowerShell

Easily turn off Windows Firewall with netsh or in the PowerShell

There are still situations where it is necessary to disable the Windows Firewall. Windows Powershell supports Firewall disable command, where the service does not need to be stopped or disabled. On Windows Server, you can disable the firewall from the console using netsh commands. Windows Server 2012 or later also allows the Set-NetFirewallProfile PowerShell cmdlet to run.

Turn off the Firewall with Windows PowerShell

To do this, open Windows PowerShell as an administrator and run the following line:

Set-NetFirewallProfile -Profile Domain,Public,Private -Enabled False

Reactivating the Windows Defender Firewall requires -Enable True instead of False at the end.

Disable Firewall with the netsh command

Open a command prompt with administrative privileges and insert the following command:

netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off

This example retrieves all of the firewall rules in the active store, which is a collection of all of the policy stores that apply to the computer. Running this cmdlet without specifying the policy store retrieves the persistent store.

PS C:\>Get-NetFirewallRule -PolicyStore ActiveStore

Example in Powershell to retrieves all of the Windows Firewall if it’s disable or not. The rules scoped to the public profile.

PS C:\>Get-NetFirewallProfile -Name Public | Get-NetFirewallRule


The Get-NetFirewallRule cmdlet returns the instances of firewall rules that match the search parameters from the user. See the New-NetFirewallRule cmdlet for Windows Powershell Firewall disable for more information.

This cmdlet returns one or more Powershell Firewall rules by specifying the Name parameter (default), the DisplayName parameter, rule properties, or by associated filters or objects. The queried rules can be placed into variables and piped to other cmdlets for further modifications or monitoring.

Ping in the PowerShell with Test-Connection

PowerShell ICMP Ping Test-Connection

Powershell Test-Connection has its own cmdlet to send Ping ICMP packets to other computers to check their availability. Compared to conventional ping, it offers more options, such as addressing multiple target computers at the same time. Basically, you can also call the Windows utility Ping.exe in PowerShell.

The Test-Connection cmdlet in PowerShell 7 includes advanced features such as Repeat and Traceroute or as a ping process in the background.

Examples Ping with Test-Connection in PowerShell

The Test-Connection Powershell cmdlet sends Ping Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Echo request packets to one or more comma-separated remote hosts and returns the Echo responses.

PS C:\> Test-Connection,, time.google.com

With the -Repeat option, as is known from Ping, ICMP requests are sent to the specified host until the end of the operation, by entering CTRL+BREAK.

PS C:\> Test-Connection -Repeat

This example shows how to run a test connection command as a PowerShell background job.

PS C:\> $job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock { Test-Connection -TargetName (Get-Content -Path "Servers.txt") }
$Results = Receive-Job $job -Wait

Traceroute with Test-NetConnection

Use Traceroute in PowerShell 5.1 which is installed by default in Windows 10.

PS C:\> Test-NetConnection -TraceRoute

ComputerName           :
RemoteAddress          :
InterfaceAlias         : WLAN
SourceAddress          :
PingSucceeded          : True
PingReplyDetails (RTT) : 5 ms
TraceRoute             :

Traceroute with Test-Connection in PowerShell

The Traceroute parameter introduced in PowerShell 6.0 arranges route tracking between the local computer and the remote destination specified by parameters.

PS C:\> Test-Connection www.google.com -Traceroute -IPv4

Note. using traceroute it need PowerShell 6 or newer.

In another example, parameters are used to customize the Test Connection command. The local computer sends a ping test to a remote computer.

PS C:\> Test-Connection -TargetName Server10 -Count 4 -Delay 2 -MaxHops 128 -BufferSize 256

This cmdlet is available from PowerShell 6.0 and later.

Test-Connection TCP Port Parameters

The parameter -TcpPort specifies the TCP port number to the destination to use in the TCP connection test. The cmdlet attempts to establish a TCP connection with the specified port to the destination.

PS C:\> Test-Connection -TargetName isc.org -TcpPort 443

If a connection can be established, $True is returned. If a connection cannot be established, $False is returned. The Paramter -TcpPort is available from PowerShell 7.0 and later.

Test-Connection MTU Size Parameters

The parameter -MtuSize is used to determine the path MTU size.

PS C:\> Test-Connection -TargetName ripe.org -MtuSize

The cmdlet returns a PingReply MTU Size object that contains the MTU size path to the target, it is available from PowerShell 7.0 and later.

Test-Connection Parameter Quiet

The parameter -Quiet returns a Boolean value. Using this parameter to suppresses all errors.

PS C:\> Test-Connection -TargetName iana.org -Quiet

This cmdlet is available from PowerShell 7.0 and later.

PowerShell Remoting Test-Connection

The next example creates a session to Server2 if at least one of the pings sent to the computer succeeds. To do this, you must configure TrustedHosts on the remote computer.

PS C:\> if (Test-Connection -TargetName Server2 -Quiet) { New-PSSession -ComputerName Server2 }

To use HTTP for PowerShell remoting, run the following command on the remote host from Command Prompt as administrator.

winrm quickconfig

The TrustedHosts configuration setting is done by running winrm.cmd with the config/client option on the remote host.

winrm set winrm/config/client @{TrustedHosts=""}

Accept reply from The query for the Global Configuration of WinRM is as follows.

winrm get winrm/config/client