AX2012 Deploy SSRS Report in Visual Studio to AOS Instance


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 projects typically take place across multiple AOS instances

The configuration is created using the Microsoft Dynamics AX configuration utility for the corresponding Application Object Server instance, and the Configuration button stores the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) configuration in the registry. Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate now reads the connection from the registry.

Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration Utility
Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration Utility

When processing SSRS reports from Visual Studio, there is often the situation that reports must first be deployed in a developer instance before they can be transferred to the test and then to the productive instance.

So that developers have the certainty in which instance they are currently deploying the report, it is best to go via the Visual Studio Application Explorer and go to the SSRS Reports -> Reports and open a report for editing, here it is AccountantInvestmentAnalysis, on the right side of the Solution Explorer window you select ReportModel(#), so that at the bottom of the Properties window in the Repository field the server and the SQL server instance as well as the AOS, application object server instance appears.

Visual Studio 2010 ultimate, Deploying SSRS Reports

Now the report can be provided, everything is fine with the report, the report can be integrated via Application Object Tree (AOT) of the next AOS instance.

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