Cloud spell checking in Edge and Chrome


Privacy Compliance:
Turn off cloud provided spell checking

The browsers on the Chromium rendering have a basic, purely local spelling aid and extended spell checking with the help of online services. The texts entered in web apps are transferred to the cloud. This can be disabled interactively or using Group Policy.

More and more modern applications are web apps, including those that process sensitive data. In this case, companies usually do not want them to enter the cloud uncontrollably for spelling correction.

Google Chrome defaults to basic local spell checking, while Microsoft Edge defaults to Microsoft Editor. This not only initiates the spell checking in the cloud, but also a grammar check and suggests improvements.

Microsoft Edge Basic spell checking

The setting can be changed with: edge://settings/languages
Use writing assistance Set to Basic.

Microsoft Edge Settings Use writing assistance
Microsoft Edge: Settings Use writing assistance

Google Chrome Basic spell check

In Chrome, as expected, the corresponding option is under Settings – Languages chrome://settings/languages under Spell check there Select Basic spell check .

Google Chrome: Settings Spell check Basic spell check

If you want to do without the use of spelling correction in the cloud, then in addition to activating the local mode, it should also be prevented that the users can not change this configuration again. Both browsers offer a setting for this in Group Policy.

For Microsoft Edge, under Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates, this is > Microsoft Edge and the spell checker provided by Microsoft Editor. Disabling them prevents writing assistance in the cloud.

Google Chrome disable the cloud provided spell check under Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates policies > Google > Google Chrome and Spell Check Web Service set to disable.

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