How to register vSphere license Key


Register Hypervisor ESXi and get the license key for ESXi Trial and Free

vSphere Hypervisor ESXi 7.0 is valid for 60 days after installation, if you want to continue using the hypervisor without enterprise features after 60 days, may for further evaluation in the lab, you can register a free license key, add it in vSphere, under Manage – Licensing – Assign license.

vSphere ESXi Hypervisor License Assign
vSphere ESXi Hypervisor

A new license key for unlimited use can be registered on VMware Communities here. To do this, it is necessary to register new account with a valid email using the Register with Sign up now link.

Sign up now opens the registration form.

  A new account was created here, due product registration was not possible with an existing account, if there is an previous account already exist that is in saved passwords, cookies and the browser cache may have to be delete, so you’r able to login with the new account.

After the registration form has been filled out and submitted by entering the captcha code, an e-mail will be sent, click the Activate Now button in the opened e-mail to confirm and complete the registration.

After clicking Activate Now, the page opens where you can now sign in to VMware with the new account.

Now go to Products and Accounts and Trial and Free Solutions.

just navigate to Downloads and Free Products Trials & Demos – vSphere

On the Prudukt selection, the product must be again registered.

By clicking on the Register button, the form with the user license agreement opens.

Filling in and signing in opens the VMware vSphere Hypervisor 7.0 Download Center page they include the license information.

The VMware vSphere Product Key now you can see in the License Information section on Component in the LICENSE KEY column. Use the Manual Download button to download the ESXi ISO image.

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