Server Manager 2012

Server 2012 Enhanced Security Configuration


Disable enhanced security configuration for Internet Explorer

Newly installed Windows Server 2012 uses the so-called enhanced security configuration for Internet Explorer by default. This blocks the functions of the browser in such a way that it can no longer be used for websites from the Internet security zone. If you actually need a browser on a server, e.B. for MS software components of the required services for further installations, then this feature can of course be switched off.

how to do it

If you visit only a manageable number of sites, you can include them in the trusted sites group, where they are exempt from the strict restrictions of enhanced security configuration.

However, if you are annoyed by the constant security warnings, the restrictive setting can be deactivated.

Server Manager 2012

Disable enhanced security configuration.

Enhanced security configuration for IE Off

Internet Explorer security alerts no longer appear, but protection no longer exists. The new browser Microsoft Edge provides better protection against web pages with malicious code.

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