
AdBlocker detection is not enabled on this website, we believe it should be based on consensus. The number of advertising banners and advertisements on this blog is limited, it should not flood the actual content with which the blog is made available. If you use an AdBlocker in your browser, we would ask you to deactivate it, or better furthermore ideally add our website to the list of exception rules, with add to Trusted sites in the browser add-on.

UNBLOG uses Google AdSense for monetization, the income is generated exclusively from donations and advertising. The income covers hosting costs and domain registration fees. We do not pursue any kind of marketing.

Placement-targeting for placing certain advertisements on our website is not used. With personalized advertising, users are addressed based on their Google account, the websites they have browsed and/or the interests and demographic characteristics associated with them. With the help of placement-related content, personalized advertising is automatically provided by Google to users who have opted in to their Google account, possibly related to personalized ads.

AdBlock add exception rule

support us by advertising, AdBlock pause on this site always
AdBlock pause on this site always

If the AdBlock extension is not pinned

AdBlock Options
AdBlock Customize - Stop blocking ads - Show ads on a webpage or domain
AdBlock Customize – Stop blocking ads – Show ads on a webpage or domain

uBlock add exception rule

Click to disable uBlock for this site
Click to disable uBlock for this site

If the uBlock extension is not pinned

uBlock Origin not pinned
support us by advertising, uBlock Origin add website to Trusted sites
uBlock Origin add website to Trusted sites