No audio when call forward with Grandstream UCM

Grandstream UCM IP-PBX without audio when forward call to an external number

If no audio stream in using of call forward with the UCM IP-PBX from Grandstream, then the setting RTP keep-alive may be required. The required setting can be found under PBX Settings – SIP Settings – ToS.

Fixing no audio using call forward with UCM IP-PBX

No audio when call forward with. Grandstream UCM IP PBX without sound when forwarding call to an external number

Grandstream IP PBX

The Grandstream UCM IP PBX series offers an extensive set of unified communication features in an easy-to-manage on premise solution with no licensing fees, upgrade fees or costs per features like audio call forward.

Audio call forward IP PBX

Grandstream’s UCM, IP PBX VoIP systems range from small and medium business deployments to small and medium enterprise solutions. Features like audio call forward is possible.

The true story

Founded in 2002, Grandstream Networks is a manufacturer of IP voice and video communications equipment. Video surveillance, gateways and analog telephone adapters (ATAs), and Asterisk-based IP-PBX appliances. Grandstream supplies small and medium businesses and consumers with open-standard SIP-based products.

Grandstream Networks is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, and has offices in Plano. Texas, Los Angeles, California in the US, in Casablanca in Morocco, Valencia, Venezuela, and in Shenzhen, China.

Grandstream UCM IP PBX Series

The UCM6300 series allows businesses to build powerful and scalable unified communication and collaboration solutions. This series of IP PBXs provide a platform that unifies all business communication on one centralized network, including voice,
video calling, video conferencing, video surveillance, web meetings, data, analytics, mobility, facility access, intercoms and more. The UCM6300 series supports up to 3000 users and includes a built-in web meetings and video conferencing solution that allows employees to connect from the desktop, mobile, GVC series devices and IP phones. It can be paired with the UCM6300 ecosystem to offer a hybrid platform that combines the control of an on-premise IP PBX with the remote access of a cloud solution.

UCM6300 ecosystem

The UCM6300 ecosystem consists with audio call forward ip-pbx of the Wave app for desktop and mobile, which provides a hub for collaborating remotely, and UCM RemoteConnect, a cloud NAT traversal service for ensuring secure remote connections.

OpenVPN Connection Script

Running Scripts on OpenVPN Connect and Disconnect

OpenVPN Client for Windows using script file allows you to mapping network drives to servers shares when starting VPN connections. There are other options, such as running login scripts, printer redirects, or automated updating. This tutorial shows the installation and the usage of OpenVPN connection scripts.

How to do it

The OpenVPN GUI for Windows can be downloaded from the community website here. The OpenVPN client can also be deployed using winget ran in the command prompt.

C:\> winget install --id OpenVPNTechnologies.OpenVPN

Upon during installation, the OpenVPN directory is created under %USERPROFILE%, including the folder config, which contains the configuration files (.ovpn) that are stored from the OpenVPN GUI with File Import.

OpenVPN in Tasklbar click Import file

Right-clicking above the OpenVPN icon icon in the taskbar opens the context menu with file import, which is saved at: %USERPROFILE%\OpenVPN\config


The batch files must be in the same config directory and have the same name as the file name of the configuration (.ovpn), whereby _up must be added, as here the file name starts with VPNConfig and appended _up, VPNConfig_up.bat.

OpenVPN Connection Script

The contents of the connection-building batch file may look like this so that a network drive is mapped to the server after connecting OpenVPN.

Edit OpenVPN_up.bat in Notepad
Edit OpenVPN Connection Script VPNConfig_up.bat in Notepad

It is mapped with VPNConfig_up.bat the network drive I: to the server tower, here in this example being login against domain city.local as username max using password pass123. If you do not want to have a visible password in the batch, you can remove it so the password prompt will by called.

Edit OpenVPN_down.bat in Notepad
Edit OpenVPN Connection Script VPNConfig_down.bat in Notepad

After disconnecting the OpenVPN connection, the batch VPNConfig_down.bat does disconnects the network drives.


The batch files must be in the same directory, here in the user profile under OpenVPN along with the ovpn file in the config directory.

  If you rename the configuration file before importing it, here the VPNConfig.ovpn i.e. CityOffice.ovpn, then this name appears in the context menu when connecting to destination in the OpenVPN GUI. The batch files must have the same names before _up and _down.

  In order for the server name to be resolved at “net use”, the entry “dhcp-option DNS” has to modify in the file VPNConfig.ovpn:
dhcp-option DNS

In this example, the DNS is on the remote network to which we connect to OpenVPN. If there is no DNS on the network, the IP address must be specified instead of the host name.

OpenVPN Settings

In the OpenVPN Settings you will find the possibility to determine the location of the configuration files and log files, here the path to the files can be changed, also there is the possibility to determine the extension .ovpn. Adjusting the paths can be useful, for example, when using roaming profiles, creating the folder for the OpenVPN connections under %APPDATA%, or when using offline folders, this can be set individually.

OpenVPN Settings Advanced

In the OpenVPN Settings Advanced, the values for script files can be changed if necessary, in the Script Timeout area for Preconnect script timeout, in this case the batch file VPNConfig_up.bat, and VPNConfig_down.bat for timeout for Disconnect script.

Example of a Netlogon Connection Script (xxxxxxxx_up.bat):
@echo off
timeout 5
REM mapping network printer
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /in /n \\tower\laserjet_office
REM mapping network drive
net use I: \\tower\office /persistent:no /user:city\max pass123
REM wait along two pings
ping localhost -n 2 > null
REM pop-up greeting message
echo msgbox("Welcome %USERNAME% on %USERDOMAIN%."),vbInformation , "Message"> %temp%\msg.vbs 
REM delete message
erase %temp%\msg.vbs