Tag Archives: KeePass Manager

KeePass the password safe is a free open source password manager, which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way.

Start SSH from KeePass using Windows Terminal

This tutorial describes how to start an SSH terminal session under Windows, open the connection from the KeePass Manager, the known password Safe, with using OpenSSH and the Windows Terminal. Prerequisite is that OpenSSH is installed on Windows, from Apps & Features – Optional Features. The Windows Terminal can be found in the Microsoft Store.

The new Windows Terminal has evolved and achieves the parity to be measured with modern terminals of other operating systems such as the GNOME Terminal. Not only is it free, it can also be seen with the well-known terminal tools on Windows, such as PuTTY and KiTTY.

Windows Terminal is located under this path for batch processing.


Here from KeePass via the field URL with the “cmd://” argument.

Start SSH session from KeePass with Windows Terminal

For the entry in KeePass, add the following line into the URL field.

cmd://"%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\WindowsApps\wt.exe" ssh -v {USERNAME}@{TITLE}

  From the “Title” field, the hostname is passed in {TITLE}, from “User name” the user-ID is passed in {USERNAME}. If a different port is used for SSH add the port e.g. -p 60622

Click OK to close and save the entry. A double-click on the entry in the URL column opens the Windows Terminal.

Windows Terminal SSH Session
Windows Terminal Einstellungen

The host entry is added in the Windows Terminal settings (Ctrl+,) with add new profile.

  Keys generated with ssh-keyen can be used SSH sessions without entering a password and even more securely.

SSH session using Windows KeePass and Windows Terminal

To do this, create the folder.ssh under the home path %USERPROFILE%, in which private and public keys are stored. Then creating the file config to assign hostname to the appropriate key.

Host vm126
    User james
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    ServerAliveInterval 60

The public key (id_rsa.pub) is stored on the remote host at ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

the config file offers many options for configuring ssh targets so that they can be started easily in the Windows Terminal CLI.

Launch AnyDesk Remote Desktop from KeePass

How to Launch AnyDesk Remote Desktop Access from KeePass

KeePass is a useful tool for administrators in their daily work in system maintenace and administrative tasks. AnyDesk is also often used, other remote maintenance software, such as VNC Viewer for remote desktop remote maintenance, also SSH terminal sessions to server and network devices are required.

This post shows how to launch AnyDesk Remote Desktop session to a remote computer directly from KeePass.

Add a new entry in KeePass

KeePass enables an external program to be executed out from an item with the transfer of parameters such as host name or address and the user credentials for authentication. To do this, add a new entry in KeePass with choose Add Entry to creates a new target.

Launch AnyDesk Remote Desktop Access from KeePass

In the General tab, the computer name is entered in the Title field. For User name the AnyDesk alias which is usually the computer name (hostname), alternatively the AnyDesk ID can be used. The AnyDesk password is entered in the Password field.

The KeePass URL to pass the parameters to AnyDesk:

cmd://"C:Program Files (x86)AnyDeskAnyDesk.exe" {USERNAME} --with-passwor

Launch AnyDesk Remote Desktop

After the entry is saved, the AnyDesk Remote Desktop session is started with a double-click in the URL column, or with the key combination Ctrl+V

Double click URL to connect AnyDesk Remote Desktop
AnyDesk Alias is the hostname

AnyDesk Alias is the hostname, or the ID that is displayed with 9 digits on the remote computer. The hostname (alias) is transferred to AnyDesk with the User name field as the USERNAME variable with the password as a parameter from KeePass.

What is AnyDesk Remote Desktop

AnyDesk is a remote desktop application distributed by AnyDesk Software GmbH. The proprietary software program provides platform independent remote access to personal computers and other devices running the host application. It offers remote control, file transfer, and VPN functionality. AnyDesk is often used in technical support and other remote access.

What is KeePass Password Safe

KeePass Password Safe is a free and open-source password manager primarily for Windows. It officially supports macOS and Linux operating systems through the use of Mono. Additionally, there are several unofficial ports for Windows Phone, Android, iOS, and BlackBerry devices, which normally work with the same copied or shared (remote) password database. KeePass stores usernames, passwords, and other fields, including free-form notes and file attachments, in an encrypted file.